Experimental data for molecule 72

Basic Information

MolID PubChemID Name PhrName Formula Mol Weight (g/mol) Charge CAS InChiKey SMILES IUPAC Name
72 8143 Octylamine Amine_oooaae C8H19N 129.247 0 111-86-4 IOQPZZOEVPZRBK-UHFFFAOYSA-N CCCCCCCCN octan-1-amine

Stability Constants

MolID Name Metal Constant Species Reactants T (°C) Ionic Strength (M) Electrolyte logβ (or logK) ΔrH° (kcal/mol) ΔrS° (kcal/mol) ΔrG° (kcal/mol) Ref. for Thermal Dynamics Data

Solvation Free Energy

MolID Name ΔGsolv (kcal/mol) Reference
72 Octylamine -3.65 13FreeSolv


MolID Name Species pKa T (°C) Ionic Strength (M) Electrolyte Ref. for pKa ΔrH° (kcal/mol) ΔrS° (kcal/mol) ΔrG° (kcal/mol) Ref. for Thermal Dynamics Data
72 Octylamine HL 10.65 25.0 None 17CRC0525 None


RefID Reference
17CRC0525 "Dissociation Constants of Organic Acids and Bases," in CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition (Internet Version 2017), W. M. Haynes, ed., CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL.
13FreeSolv David L. Mobley, Experimental and Calculated Small Molecule Hydration Free Energies. eScholarship. Version 0.32.